What You Can Learn About Handling Money From an NFL Linebacker

Players in the National Football League make a lot of money. So much, in fact, that players’ salaries are often as well publicized as their game statistics. Some highly-talented stars earn tens of millions per year, while less sought-after players might make a few hundred thousand. According to Career Trend, the average NFL salary is… Continue reading What You Can Learn About Handling Money From an NFL Linebacker

If You Are Frustrated With Your Ability to Save, Imagine You’re in CrossFit

  IMAGINE YOU ARE IN CROSSFITFor many people, exercising is uncomfortable, boring, and ultimately frustrating. Knowing they’re supposed to get at least 20 minutes of cardio in their workout, they pedal the stationary bike at the required pace, counting the seconds until they can get off. Or they dutifully work their way through a circuit… Continue reading If You Are Frustrated With Your Ability to Save, Imagine You’re in CrossFit

It’s Not How Much You Make

Ben Franklin is credited with saying, “A penny saved is a penny earned.”1 It was wise advice 250 years ago, and even more so today. Writing for Barron’s, Karen Hube observes that despite experiencing an era of historically high prosperity, most Americans struggle to save their money, protect it, and invest it for the long-term. “Even after… Continue reading It’s Not How Much You Make