If You Are Frustrated With Your Ability to Save, Imagine You’re in CrossFit

  IMAGINE YOU ARE IN CROSSFITFor many people, exercising is uncomfortable, boring, and ultimately frustrating. Knowing they’re supposed to get at least 20 minutes of cardio in their workout, they pedal the stationary bike at the required pace, counting the seconds until they can get off. Or they dutifully work their way through a circuit… Continue reading If You Are Frustrated With Your Ability to Save, Imagine You’re in CrossFit

The Importance of First Having a Plan

F. Scott Fitzgerald, author of The Great Gatsby, wrote, “The test of a first-rate intelligence is the ability to hold two opposed ideas in mind at the same time and still retain the ability to function.” 1 Others might label that process cognitive dissonance.2 But for the sake of argument, let’s stick with Fitzgerald’s assertion. Because according… Continue reading The Importance of First Having a Plan

The Active Manager’s High Wire Act

Karl Walenda was the undisputed king of the tightrope. As the Flying Walendas, he and his family performed their high wire act as featured stars of The Ringling Brothers and Barnum & Bailey Circus. And to the thrill of audiences everywhere, they performed without a net.1 It’s impossible to perform perfectly every day. The Wallendas came… Continue reading The Active Manager’s High Wire Act

Avoid the Added Risks of “Helicopter Investing”

Most people are familiar with the term “helicopter parenting.” Its use was first recorded in 1969 by Dr. Haim Ginott in his book Parents & Teenagers. When talking with teens, he heard them describe their parents as hovering over them like helicopters.1 It’s important for mothers and fathers to take active and nurturing roles in raising… Continue reading Avoid the Added Risks of “Helicopter Investing”

Why Simplicity is Essential for Investing

In 1959, new coach Vince Lombardi in his first meeting with the Green Bay Packers, held up an oblong, inflated pigskin and said, “Gentlemen, this is a football.” The story is most likely apocryphal1, but it sounds like something Lombardi might have said. His dedication to the basics of football, including hard work, are what… Continue reading Why Simplicity is Essential for Investing

Study Shows That Costly Investment Biases Are More Prevalent In Selling

We are all biased in many ways. Sometimes it’s a good thing, like when we’re predisposed to give family and close friends the benefit of the doubt, sticking up for them when someone else mentions a shortcoming. Sometimes it’s bad, like when a certain brand of car cuts us off in traffic and because we’re… Continue reading Study Shows That Costly Investment Biases Are More Prevalent In Selling